Providing Everything You Need in One Location!

Spinal Manipulation (aka The Adjustment)
Spinal manipulation is performed when your joints are restricted or stuck in certain range of motion. This could be due to posture, compensation/protective patterning, stress, age, movement dysfunction, trauma, abnormal development, improper nutrition, and more. The goal of spinal manipulation is to restore that range of motion and function. The benefits of spinal manipulation increasing range of motion, normalizing muscle contraction, decreasing pain and inflammation, enhancing communication between your joints and your brain, and more!

Soft Tissue Release Technique
Soft tissue release technique is used to restore normal muscle, tendon, ligament and fascia activity within a body. Everyone suffers from muscle knots and tightness just due to every day life, so this technique can help calm muscles down. Essentially, the doctor is going to gently pin down your muscle using their thumb, while assisting you through a movement to help shorten and lengthen the muscle. This allows the muscle to relax to their standard muscle length.

Dry Needling
Dry needling is a highly-effective, innovative technique to restore muscle function and inflammation. Dry needling uses an acupuncture needle to target trigger points or a taut band of muscle. The needle creates a micro-inflammatory response in that local area. This sounds counter-intuitive (don't we want to get rid of inflammation?), but the micro-inflammatory response helps your brain release chemicals to your muscle to break up the knot, eliminate the large-scale inflammation, and get your muscle working properly. This is one of Dr. Porter's and Dr. Bates's favorite techniques because the outcomes are so quick and effective. Normally, dry needling does not hurt, but sometimes it can feel like a pinch or pressure that lasts for just a couple seconds.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue
Instrument - Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation is a method of muscle work that uses a stainless steel tool to help relieve the muscle. This technique is especially good for fascial restrictions, scar tissue, and overworked muscles. By scraping a muscle along the direction of the muscle belly, this breaks up fibrous adhesions between muscle fibers to allow for muscles to slide and glide more efficiently. This also works to increase healthy blood flow to the area.

Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy is a soft-tissue technique that can help with tight muscles, swelling, lymphatic drainage, and scar tissue. The cup increases blood flow to the area, breaks up fibrous adhesions between muscle fibers, and helps eliminate swelling. Cupping can also help relieve muscle tension/tightness, fluid buildup, and pinched nerves.
Rehab Exercises
Exercises and movement is one of our favorite tools to keep your pain away! Research has shown that when adjustments are coupled with therapeutic exercises, the benefits of the adjustment are longer lasting. This means less frequent visits, less money spent on healthcare, and less pain! For every visit, we select a couple exercises specifically for you and your movement patterns to help strengthen your muscles. These exercises don't require a gym membership or any fancy equipment, rather they are movements that you can incorporate in your every day life to keep your muscles healthy and happy.

Nutrition is such a vital part of your everyday life. Eating the wrong foods, having the wrong proportions, or even lack of eating can play a crucial part in how you feel. There are certain foods that are pro-inflammatory, meaning that when eaten, they tend to increase the amount of inflammation within your body. These food groups include refined sugars, refined grains, flour products, trans fat, and refined omega-6 oils such as corn, sunflower, peanut oil, etc. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory foods that decrease the number of inflammatory factors in your body. These include meat, wild-caught fish and seafood, omega-3 eggs, cheese, vegetables, fruit, nuts, spices, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, and coffee/tea. The effects of inflammation can include depression, fatigue, lethargy, irritability, emotional liability, social withdrawal, and lack of concentration. It's incredible how a change in someone's diet can greatly change their life!

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)
Have you watched a newborn move? They do everything perfectly, squat perfect to pick up a toy, sit perfect, lift their head perfect, everything. At this point, all of their muscles are working together without any compensation. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) mimics the movement of babies to get your muscles and joints working and stabilizing the way they should! This is important because you might be the strongest lifter in the world, but if you can't stabilize your joints, you are at high risk of injury. This is a great tool to train your brain how you should move!

Mckenzie (MDT)
Mckenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) is all about end-range loading. This means, taking a joint to the end of its mobility and repetitively loading the joint. This can be especially good for disc herniations, sciatica, and more. When most people experience pain, they often have a "directional preference," meaning that they prefer to move one way more than another. For example, if you have a back injury, typically bending forward to pick something up can be painful. Mckenzie Method takes advantage of these directional preferences to help diminish or eliminate your pain.

Movement Screens
Humans are prone to injury. Limited mobility, lack of movement, compensation patterns, lack of stability, you name it. Movement screens are a great way to analyze how your body is moving and what areas might need some attention to continue to prevent injury. During the movement screens, Dr. Porter or Dr. Bates will check for scoliosis, weakness in certain muscles, limited range of motion, and more! They will also analyze everyday movement patterns such as squatting, gait analysis, going up stairs, how you sit, how you stand, and more!