Why is it better to strengthen a muscle rather than stretch it?
Stretching feels wonderful at the moment, but is it actually helping? The answer is yes, but only temporarily. A muscle that feels tight is often a weak muscle. Which is why you can stretch and stretch and stretch daily, and that muscle will continue to feel tight.
On the flip side, strengthening a muscle is a way to naturally elongate the muscle. As you continue to strengthen it, the muscle will no longer feel tight, not temporarily but permanently.
Stop stretching and start strengthening today!
If you want help with your muscle tightness, joint stiffness, or lack of mobility, give us a call today at (615)-900-5187 or visit our website at www.tennesseebackpaincenter.com
For more information about how rehab exercises can help back pain, visit https://www.tennesseebackpaincenter.com/RehabExercises