Tennessee Back Pain Center is more than just a chiropractic office! Our doctors combine the benefits of chiropractic care, massage therapy, physical therapy, and personal training all in one visit!
Chiropractic Care - Your joints are important to your mobility, functionality, longevity, and a pain-free lifestyle. Keeping your joints moving can help prevent arthritis, decrease muscle tension, and allow better communication between your brain and body.
Muscle Therapy - Muscles move joints and joints act on muscles. So it is important to address both for a functioning system. In our clinic, we use techniques such as scraping, cupping, dry needling, active release technique (ART), and post-isometric relaxation (PIR) to decrease muscle tension.
Exercise Therapy - Research shows that coupling chiropractic care with exercises produces more efficient and long-lasting results. Every patient that comes through our door gets homework to do in the form of exercises. Movement is medicine and movement is important to your musculoskeletal system.
Personal Training - Once you are pain-free and functioning the way you should, the next step is personal training! Further developing your muscles, tendons, and ligaments to withstand your lifestyle. Our partners at Corax Strength and Performance are highly-trained professionals who know how to tailor exercises to fit your needs and goals!
Give us a call today at (615)-900-5187 to schedule your appointment!
For more information about the different services we offer, visit https://www.tennesseebackpaincenter.com/services-1