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Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Let us introduce you to foam rolling! Foam rolling is a way to increase the mobility and flexibility of your upper back. Especially for people who tend to sit or work at a desk all day, this exercise is for you.

Okay, grab your foam roller and place it behind your upper back. Support your head and neck by putting your hands behind your head (this also helps move your shoulder blades out of the way). Roll perpendicular to the foam roller using your legs, allowing the back to arch over the foam roller. You want to stay away from the low back region (go no further than where a bra line would be). If you have one spot that tends to be more stiff than the others, hang out in that region for a little bit (approximately 10-15 seconds). Perform up to 3x per day.

You might hear some pops, that’s okay. That means that your back is moving and exploring its range of motion. If you have questions about this exercise, don’t hesitate to ask us. When done right, this exercise has great benefits, but there are wrong ways to perform it.

Give us a call today at (615)-900-5187 to schedule an appointment! Let us help get rid of that stiffness, once and for all!!

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