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Experience the Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulation, is performed when your joints are restricted or stuck in certain range of motion. This could be due to posture, compensation/protective patterning, stress, age, movement dysfunction, trauma, abnormal development, improper nutrition, and more. The goal of spinal manipulation is to restore that range of motion and function. The benefits of spinal manipulation increasing range of motion, normalizing muscle contraction, decreasing pain and inflammation, enhancing communication between your joints and your brain, and more!

Adjustments - they feel good, they sound cool, but what actually is happening? The main goal of an adjustment is to restore joint motion. If our joints are put in a position for too long, they often get restricted or stuck. This is similar to supergluing your fingers together on accident. The longer you hold them together without moving them, the firmer the adhesion becomes and soon your fingers get stuck. Restrictions can also be caused by posture, compensation or protective muscular activation, stress, age, movement dysfunction, trauma, abnormal development, poor nutrition, and more. 

Adjustments work by bringing joints to their end range of motion and providing a little force to free those joints. Dr. Porter and Dr. Bates use a technique that applies a high-volume, low amplitude thrust to your restricted joints. This means that the adjustment is quick, instead of forceful. As the thrust is provided, the adhesions within joints are broken and therefore it increases your range of motion.

In addition to increasing your range of motion, adjustments also work to increase communication between your joints and your brain. Within your muscles and joints are mechanoreceptors, or tiny receptors that help communicate information to and from your brain. Thus, the better you are moving, the more coordinated, efficient, and able you become. As mechanoreceptors become activated, they also inhibit nociceptors. These are the receptors that signal pain, which is why you feel less pain after being adjusted. 

Furthermore, if we have a restricted joint and the brain cannot communicate effectively, it won't be able to inhibit muscles. This leads to hyperactive muscles. On the other hand, when a joint can't stabilize properly, the joint will not be able to dissipate the load properly onto muscles and thus some muscles become underactive. When joints are moving and communicating effectively after an adjustment, muscle tone becomes normalized again.

In summary, adjustments can improve joint mobility, decrease pain, reduce muscle tension, enhance recovery time, decrease inflammation, improve communication, and so much more!

How it Works:

Dr. Logan Bates Neck Adjustment
Dr. Teresa Porter Chiropractor Low Back Adjustment

Spinal Manipulation is great for:

  • Low back pain 

  • Neck Pain 

  • Headaches

  • Mid-back Pain 

  • Stiffness

  • SI Joint Pain 

  • Back muscle spasms 

  • Trigger Points

  • Shoulder Pain 

  • Hip Pain 

  • Sciatica

  • Loss of Range of Motion

  • Pain Management

  • Tightness

  • And More!

Tennessee Back Pain Center Logo - North Murfreesboro Chiropractor


Monday:            8:00 am - 7:30 pm 

Tuesday:            8:00 am - 7:30 pm 

Wednesday:      8:00 am - 2:30 pm 

Thursday:          8:00 am - 7:30 pm 

Friday:               8:00 am - 2:30 pm 

Saturday:           Closed

Sunday:             Closed 

Contact Information:

Located at Corax Strength and Performance


3242 Memorial Blvd Ste C

Murfreesboro, TN 37129


Phone: (615)-900-5187

Fax: (833)-624-3035


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